“Jesus”, I whispered, as I cut out these newsprint words. “Can I please go? This has been my dream for years before now - to go to Africa. I am not quite sure how these people have become so dear to my heart when I have yet to meet them, but can I please go and love them? I want to be your hands and feet, to share your love and hope. Jesus…you are their hope...”
Dear friends,
It is my passion to love and serve others in Jesus’ name, but more specifically to serve those who are from other cultures and nations. It is this passion that led me to enroll in the Intercultural Studies program at Columbia Bible College in the fall of 2006. As I enter my third year of this BA, I will be participating in a cross-cultural internship, in which the full eight month term is lived out in another culture. And here is the exciting part…I am finally off to Africa! On November 7th, I will be flying to Kampala, Uganda to serve under Action International.
Action International’s main focus in Uganda is on serving the urban poor, more specifically the refugee kids and the kids who live on the street in the slums. Although my exact areas of service will be identified through conversing with my mentors in Kampala, it looks as though I will be directly involved in their Street Boy Ministry by teaching, counseling, and coaching…besides just being a friend. I may also help to facilitate children’s camps, prison ministries and/or Christmas outreaches, aid in starting up a lending library of Christian resources, or assist with the Bible/Sports clubs. These opportunities for interaction with the children of Uganda truly excite me.
As I enter this final month of preparation, I come to you with an invitation…well, a few actually. First of all, I would like to invite you to walk alongside me in this season of learning and discovery. Psalm 34:8a says, “Taste and see that the Lord is good”; it will be accounts of his goodness seen that I will be sending home to you. Secondly, I invite you to pray for me. There will be dangers and discouragement along the way, and my body, spirit and heart would appreciate your prayers. Thirdly, I invite you to support me with your finances. Should you wish to do so, the information is below. No matter how you wish to support me, know that simply your words and presence in my life are such an encouragement to me. My sincere thanks.
From my heart to yours,
Erin Spring
Erin Spring
To support financially:
~ Cheques can be mailed to: 3015A 21st St. NE, Calgary, AB, T2E 7T1. My name cannot appear anywhere on the cheque. Instead, please enclose a separate note specifying it is for me.
~ Donations can also be given over the phone or debited monthly from your bank account or credit card. Simply call 403.443.2221, and they can assist you.
~ Donations can also be given over the phone or debited monthly from your bank account or credit card. Simply call 403.443.2221, and they can assist you.
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