Thursday, May 7, 2009

Staying Connected - April B

My wonderful friends,

Thank you for taking the time to read another of my updates. Despite the deep home-sickness that I experienced these past few weeks, I can honestly say that these weeks have been the most joy-filled of my time here in Africa. That is because God is working and lives are being changed – mine included.

Let me begin with the best news. Just last week we learnt that one of our boys had made the decision to follow Jesus! Praise the Lord! ‘Rasta’ had decided to become a Christian almost two months ago, but he chose to keep it a secret at first. When I asked him why, he said it was because he didn’t think people would believe him because of his Rastafarian-style hair and what such hair represents here. But, two weeks ago he went to the barber to get his head shaved – it was a baptism of sorts. (See attached photos.) And, although his nickname is still on the lips of many, he now prefers to go by Geoffrey. Wow! But, the transformation is not purely physical; his actions are also changing. God is working the best miracle of all - he is changing the heart of one of his beloved. It is so exciting and amazing to watch! I could barely even concentrate on my school work that week because my heart was soaring with joy. And another of the boys, Ismael, also made a decision for Jesus two weeks ago! He also hopes to go home in the coming month. You have to be smiling as you read this!

Do be praying for these two, that their faith would grow and that their hearts would continue to be open to God’s transforming power. And please, please, please keep on praying for us and the work at the shelter. Be praying that God would save many more of the boys, but also for continued protection over us all and for God’s peace to be evident in that place. The enemy is not happy that he just lost a few souls, and he has been fighting back in their lives and at the shelter also.

A few more tidbits of joy from the shelter: Joseph has been accepted into a program with another aid agency (Tigers Club) and is going to school to pursue auto mechanics. Ambrose reached home safely and sounds to be doing well. Fred finally decided to return home (to live with his Grandmother, I believe) and will now be going back to school. And another boy, one from the first shelter that ACTION had here in Kampala, has also been accepted into an aid program and is now off of the streets. It is undeniable that God is at work. As Mother Teresa said, “They come into the world one at a time so they must be reached one at a time.” And how exciting to see it happening!

And as for what God has been doing in my life…the joy of it all is hard to put into words. I have been elated to be a part of God’s work here in Uganda. He is enabling me to know his leading in such a clear way that I can be confident that it is he working through me instead of it being me leaning on my giftings or skills. It is not about me! It’s about the Word of God coming to the boys through me. To be a conduit of God’s love, joy and freedom has been humbling and exhilarating. And as I express to them his goodness and the amazing love he has for them, my own heart is uplifted by the wonderful news. God is so good, my friends, and he loves you dearly as well.

So what else has gone on since my last newsletter? To begin with, the Tuesday after the holiday we had an Easter party for the boys at the shelter. About 75 boys came out to hear God’s Word, play hours of football, and eat an amazing meal. We had a great day! And that following weekend was the final Bible Conference at All Nations Bible College. The last 110 Bibles were received with eagerness and thankfulness, and once again we are praying for much fruit to come from the recipients’ future studies of its pages. And another piece of personal news, my friend Philip from the States is at a YWAM Conference in Jinja this week and will be staying to visit with me in Kampala for a few days after its completion. What a blessing – company in Africa!

And now, as my time is quickly drawing near to say goodbye to beloved Africa, please continue to remember me in your prayers. I want to serve God strong until the end, making the most of every day and opportunity that he gives me. I also am still in need of funds for the remainder of my time here. If you feel you’d like to give, the details are below. And while you are praying for those things, you could also be praying for my tendonitis. It has flared up over the last few weeks and begun to really limit me in my studies and even in my personal journaling and contact with home. And last but not least, my daily safety is something I can never take for granted, so please join your prayers with mine in this also. Thank you, my friends. Oh, and one last prayer request: Auntie Joy found out on Monday that one of her Aunts just passed away. Joy is there with the family now and we pray she returns safely with peace in her heart.

Let me leave you with a few verses that have been encouraging me this month:

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” – Galatians 5:1

“Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him.” – Isaiah 64:4

With an abundance of joy,

Erin Spring ( ---

Mailing Address: c/o Robinette, PO Box 71249 Clock Tower, Kampala Uganda, East Africa

To support financially:

~ Cheques are to be made out to “Action International Ministries” and mailed to: 3015A 21st St. NE, Calgary, AB T2E 7T1. My name cannot appear anywhere on the cheque. Instead, please enclose a separate note specifying it is for me.

~ Donations can also be made by credit card over the phone or debited monthly from your bank account or credit card. Simply call 403.204.1421 or 1.888.443.2221 (toll-free), and they will assist you.

~ Online donations are also possible. Go to for my page.

Photos: *Before – ‘Rasta’ *After – Geoffrey * Shelter Easter Party * Hats – Me with Uncle David and one of the boys at the Easter party * Jim teaching at the final Bible Conference * Jackfruit – sticky and sweet

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